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Researchers pursue new discoveries in information and communication technology, human health, transportation, energy management, security, sustainability and a wide range of other engineering fields. Our Research and Development Cell offers opportunities to establish close networking with the universities & industries and nurtures the faculty and students pursuing new inventions and developments.
With a view to enhance research activities, adjunct professor from Industries are visiting the campus and motivating the faculty and students to do R & D projects in all disciplines.
To be a premier technological institute striving for excellence with global perspective and commitment to the Nation..
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Department |
1 | K. Gowtham Kumar | Asst. Professor | CE |
2 | D.Anjani Suputri Devi | Sr. Asst. Professor | CSE |
3 | Dr.M. Thamaria | Professor | ECE |
4 | Dr. Ch. Anil Kumar | Assoc. Professor | EEE |
5 | B.N.V Srinivas | Asst. Professor | MECH |
6 | Dr.K. Pulla Rao | Astt.Professor | MBA |
7 | G. S. Prasanthi | Asst. Professor | BSH(M) |
8 | Dr. K. Jagadeesh | Asst. Professor | BSH(P) |
9 | S.V.V. Sumalatha | Asst. Professor | BSH(C) |
10 | K. V. Rama Rao | Asst. Professor | BSH(E) |
Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount(Rs.) | Status(Sanctioned /Applied/On-going/Completed) |
Localization of Smart Drainaze System and wrist band for Mosquito control |
DST,SEED Division, Government of India(ECE) | Rs. 32,24,496 | Completed |
Design & development of an Integrated Solar PV Based water Purification and IOT based water qualityMonitoring System in Appa rao Pet, tadepalligudem Mandal, west Godavari District. | DST,SEED Division, Government of India(EEE & ECE) | Rs. 76,33,618 | Completed |
S.No | Name of the Scheme | Amount Sanctioned in Rs. |
1 | AICTE-MODROBS : Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Laboratory | 6 Lakhs approx. |
2 | The AICTE Sponsored International E-Conference On Emerging Trends In Engineering And Management (ICETEM-2020) During 19 and 20th of February 2021 | 0.5 Lakhs approx. |
3 | AICTE-ATAL Sponsored One week FDP:RF Energy Harvesting Antennas For WBAN: Design, Development &Challenges During 23rd to 27thAugust 2021 | 4.55 Lakhs approx. |
4 | AICTE Sponsored One week national Level Online FDP on " Research Areas in Bio- Medical Signal Processing " | 0.93 Lakhs approx. |
5 | AICTE-ATAL Sponsored Five-day online FDP on “Electric Vehicles & Energy Storage Systems integrated with Renewable Energy Sources During 23rd to 27th August 2021 | 0.93 Lakhs approx. |
6 | CM Skill Excellence Center (APSSDC) | 15 Lakhs approx. |
7 | Dassault Systems 3D Experience Center | 50 Lakhs approx. |
8 | AICTE QIS - SC/ST SPDP 2017-18 sanctioned for 3 years w.e.f. April 2019 (1-3564157576) | 23.78 Lakhs |
9 | DST – NIMAT - Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps – 2 | 40,000 (20,000 each) |
10 | The Institution of Engineers India – One day workshops – ECE, CSE & ME – 3 No.s | 20,000(10,000+5,000+5,000) |
11 | APSSDC – Bennet University AI/ ML Research Cluster | Approved |
12 | MHRD Institution’s Innovation Council | Approved |
13 | APSSDC – IUCEE Institutional Member | Approved |
  MOUs(INDUSTRY INSTITUTE INTERACTION) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S.No | List of Major Funding Agencies in India | Web Address |
1. | IEEE | http://www.ieee.org/organizations/foundation/educationalfunds.html#Student |
2. | National Manufacturing Competitiveness Program me (NMCP) | www.dcmsme.gov.in/schemes/nmcp_scm.htm |
3. | IE India | www.ieindia.org/ |
4. | Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM) | http://www.dsir.gov.in/12plan/prism/prism.htm |
5. | AP Innovations Society | http://www.apinnovationsociety.com/ |