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Sri Vasavi

IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell

  • As per the guidelines of National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), as a post accreditation quality sustenance measure.
  • The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. For this during the post accreditation period, it will channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.
  • It will be a facilitative and participative unit of the institution which has the potential to become a vehicle for assuring in quality enhancement by working out planned interventionist strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality like the "quality circles" in industries.
  • In addition to ensuring the implementations of quality checks and measures it has to prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC every year.
  • The cell acts as a nodal agency of the college for coordinating quality related activities, including adopting and dissemination of good practices.
    • Reconstituted Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) effective from 03-07-2023 is as follows

    Dr. Guduru. VNSR. Ratnakara Rao, Principal
    Dr. G .Loshma , Professor & Head, AIM
    SNo Name of the Member Designation
    1 Dean Student Affairs-Dr. Ch. Rambabu , Professor, EEE Member
    2 Dean R&D-Dr. V. S. Naresh , Professor, CSE Member
    3 HOD CE-Dr. G. Radhakrishnan, Professor, CE Member
    4 HOD EEE-Dr. D. Sudha Rani , Professor, EEE Member
    5 HOD ME-Dr. M.V. Ramesh , Professor , ME Member
    6 HOD ECE-Dr. E. Kusuma Kumari , Professor, ECE Member
    7 HOD CSE-Dr. D. Jaya Kumari , Professor, CSE Member
    8 HOD BS&H-Sri. N. Raja Sekhar , Assoc. Professor, BS&H Member
    9 HOD MBA-Sri. D. Naveen Kumar, Asst. Professor, MBA Member
    10 Head, Placements-Sri. P.N.V. Gopala Krishna, Assoc. Professor, ME Member
    11 Section Head, English-Dr. T. Sujani, Assoc. Professor, BS&H Member
    12 Section Head, Mathematics, Sri Sk. Dhana Prasad, Asst. Professor, BS&H Member
    13 Section Head, Physics, Sri. P.Sita Rama RajuAssoc. Professor, BS&H Member
    14 Section Head, Chemistry-Ms. S.S.V Suma Latha, Asst. Professor, BS&H Member
    15 Sri. K. N. H Srinivas, Assoc. Professor, ECE Member
    16 Controller of Examinations-Sri. Ch.V.S.R. Gopala Krishna, Sr.Asst.Prof, EEE Member
    17 Sri. Ch. Apparao, Director Technical-Management Representative Member
    18 Mr. Ch. Narayana Rao, Administrative Officer Member
    19 Mr. Ganesh Somisetti, Head of HR,coMakeIT Software Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad Member
    20 Mr. Eedala Rambabu, Specialist,MicroFocus Private Limited, Bangalore Member
    21 Mr. M. Mahesh-Retd. Principal , Govt. Polytechnic, Tadepalligudem Member
    22 Ms. Satti Sri Satya - 21A81A05C3 - Dept. of CSE Member

    IQAC Minutes of Meetings

    A.Y 2023-24
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 17-08-2023-View
    A.Y 2022-23
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 10-01-2023-View
    2. Minutes of Meeting held on 04-05-2023-View
    A.Y 2021-22
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 23-04-2022-View
    2. Minutes of Meeting held on 10-05-2022-View
    A.Y 2020-21
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 04-01-2021-View
    2. Minutes of Meeting held on 24-04-2021-View
    A.Y 2019-20
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 16-10-2019-View
    2. Minutes of Meeting held on 18-04-2020-View
    A.Y 2018-19
    1. Minutes of Meeting held on 30-11-2018-View
    2. Minutes of Meeting held on 25-04-2019-View