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The Department of Mechanical Engineering is established in the year 2010 with an intake of 60 students. Since its
inception, the department has been progressing towards academic and research excellence. In this endeavor the
intake of B.Tech. was extended to 120 in 2012. Later the M.Tech., with Machine design specialization was started
with an intake of 18 students in the year 2013. From 2021, M.Tech., with Thermal Engineering specialization is
going to commence. The department is accredited by NBA in 2018 for 3 years and recognized as research center by
JNTUK, Kakinada in 2018. The Department is enriched with experienced and qualified teaching faculty and well
established excellent lab facilities to cater to the needs of the academic and research activities. The Department is
providing consultancy services in the areas of Material Testing and Tribology. The faculty members are striving
towards imparting quality education to students by practicing innovative teaching and learning methods. The
students are provided with training to improve the core competencies in the areas such as Fluid Mechanics,
Mechanics of Solids, Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing Science, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Design
of Machine Elements, Industrial Management, Robotics, CAD/CAM, Automobile Engineering, Mechatronics etc.,.
The potential of the department is reflected in terms of the quality publications of the faculty members and the huge
placements of the students in core as well as software companies. The department is highly specialized in the
training of licensed advanced software packages. The 3D experience Dassault Systemes Lab is established in
collaboration with APSSDC for imparting core design software training as well as certification programmes for
students. The student Association (FAME) and IE(I) student chapters are playing an active role by conducting
various activities in making the young budding engineers ready for the industry.
Academic Excellence:
S.No | Name of the Course | Eligibility Criteria | Duration | Intake |
UG Programmes | ||||
1 | B.Tech-Mechanical Engineering | AP EAPCET | 4 Years | 90 |
PG Programmes | ||||
1 | M.Tech-Thermal Engineering | GATE/PGECET | 2 Years | 6 |
To be recognized globally as a place for quality education and research that produces well qualified, innovative and entrepreneurial mechanical engineers.
M1:To impart quality education and develop competitive spirit with due consideration for ethical, ecological and economic issues.
M2: To develop linkages with world class R & D organizations and educational institutions in India and abroad for excellence in teaching research and consultancy practices.
1. Have successful career in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Excel as effective collaborators / innovators to address technical and engineering challenges.
3. Address the challenges faced by the society.
Mechanical Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and concepts of mechanical engineering to solve the complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using mathematics, natural sciences and mechanical engineering principles.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques and resources including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for the sustainable development
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication:: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
The Mechanical Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PSO1 : Apply thermal, fluid and design concepts/principles in mechanical engineering applications.
PSO2 : Apply the concepts of process planning and cost estimation in the manufacture of different products.
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Qualification | Designation | Profile |
1 | Dr. G.V.N.S.R. Ratnakara Rao | ME.,PhD | Professor & Principal | view |
2 | Dr. M. V. Ramesh | M.Tech,Ph.D | Professor & HOD | view |
3 | Mr. K.S.B.S.V.S. Sastry | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assoc. Professor | view |
4 | Mr. P. N. V. Gopala krishna | M.E, M.B.A, M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assoc. Professor | view |
5 | Mr. K. Sri Rama Murthy | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Sr.Assistant Professor | view |
6 | Mr. G. Rama Prasad | M.Tech(Ph.D) | Sr.Assistant. Professor | view |
7 | Mr. B. N. V Srinivas | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Sr. Asst. Professor | view |
8 | Mr. T.S.S.R. Krishna | M.Tech | Sr. Asst. Professor | view |
9 | Mr. S. Chandrasekhar | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Sr. Asst. Professor | view |
10 | Mr. K.C.S. Vyasa Krishnaji | M.Tech(Ph.D) | Asst.Professor | view |
11 | Mr. G. Prasanth | M.E,(Ph.D)(Study Leave) | Asst.Professor | view |
12 | Mr. D. V. N Prabhakar | M.E(Ph.D) | Asst. Professor | view |
13 | Mr. T. Atama Ramadu | M.Tech(Ph.D)(Study Leave) | Asst. Professor | view |
14 | Mr. M. D. Nagendra Prasad | M.Tech | Asst. Professor | view |
15 | Mr. M. Venkatesh | M.Tech | Asst. Professor | view |
16 | Mr. M. Chaitanya | M.Tech | Asst. Professor | view |
17 | Mr. Sk. Arief | M.Tech | Asst. Professor | view |
18 | Mr. V. Ravi Kumar | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Asst. Professor | view |
19 | Dr. S. Subbarama Kousik | M.Tech, Ph.D(Study Leave) | Asst. Professor | view |
20 | Mr. M. V. S. S. D. S Surya Pavan | M.Tech | Asst. Professor | view |
21 | Dr. K. Bala Subrahmanyam | M.Tech.,Ph.D | Asst. Professor | view |
22 | Dr. D. Ashok | M.Tech.,Ph.D | Asst. Professor | view |
23 | Mr M.S.N. Murthy | B.Tech | Lecturer | view |
24 | Mr. P. Mohanakrishna | B.Tech | Lecturer | view |
25 | Mr. K. Suchendra Kumar | B.Tech | Lecturer | view |
26 | Ms. Y. Sampurna | B.Tech | Lecturer | view |
SNo | Name of the Staff | Designation |
1 | Mr. A. Bala Balaji | Lab Technician |
2 | Mr. K.V.V. Durga Rao | Lab Technician |
3 | Mr. P. Rama Krishna | Lab Technician |
4 | Mr. Y. Narasimha Rao | Lab Technician |
5 | Mr. Ch. Naga Babu | Lab Technician |
6 | Mr. K Ravi Kiran | DEO |
7 | Mr. G.Kiran | Attender |
8 | Mr. K. Srinivasa Rao | Attender |
1 | Dr. M.V.Ramesh | Professor & HOD | Dept.of ME,SVEC | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. N. MohanaRao | Professor & Director (IIIPT &SDC) | Dept. of ME,JNTUK, Kakinada | University Nominee. |
3 | Dr. R.V.Chalam | Professor | Dept.of ME, NIT,Warangal | Academic Expert |
4 | Dr. A. Krishnaiah | Professor | Dept.of ME,Osmania University,Hyderabad | Academic Expert |
5 | Sri S.S.Subrahmanya Sastry | Head of Practice QMS | Veave Technologies Banglore, India | Industry Expert |
6 | Mr. A. Sai Krishna | CAE engineer | Marutee design and engg. Pvt.ltd.,Bangalore | Alumni |
7 |
S.NO | Organization Name | Date | Status | Purpose |
1 | NIT-AP | 09-02-2023 | On-Going | 1.Supports research activities, proposal writing, 2.Colloborative research work, 3.Conducting expert lectures and workshops for students |
2 | Edu Skills | 23-11-2022 | On-Going | To provide internships, training Programmes in Advanced technologies for students. |
3 | APPSDC | 29-03-2019 | On-Going | To provide workshops, Internships and Training Programmes in advanced Technologies for students. |
4 | Dassault Systems 3D Experience Centre | 03-10-2018 | On-Going | To provide certification programmes, Workshops and Training for students. |
5 | 3F Industries Limited | 12-02-2018 | On-Going | To provide Industrial visits for students. |
Thermal Engineering Lab
Metrology Lab
Machine Lab
Instrumentation Lab
Heat transfer Lab
Fuels Lab
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Drawing Hall
Department Library Incharge M. Venkatesh, , Asst. Professor Phone: 8142192937 Email Id: venkatesh.mech@srivasaviengg.ac.in |
FAME is A student body which is governed by the students with the support from the department. Every student from Department of Mechanical Engineering is beamed to be the member of this Association. The Association is very active in conducting Workshops, Seminars and other Curricular activities.
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2022-23-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2020-21-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2019-20-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2018-19-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2017-18-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2016-17-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2015-16-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2014-15-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2013-14-View
Workshops/Guest Lectures/FDPs Organized during the Academic Year 2012-13-View
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