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About IETE

    About IETE |

  • The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. Founded in 1953, it serves more than 70,000 members through various centres, whose number is 62, spread all over India and abroad. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. Government of India has recognised IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence. The objectives of IETE focus on advancing electro-technology. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members.

    IETE Objectives |

  • The IETE Students' Forum started in our college in 2008 of 1000 student members, with the assistance and involvement of senior faculty members of the Institution. The IETE Centre in the region shall provide support and coordination in the establishment and the working of the forum.

The IETE Students Forum shall have the following broad objectives :

  • To plan and organize technical programmes and activities such as special lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, exhibitions etc. for the benefit of student members on a regular basis.
  • To provide a common platform for the student members to exchange ideas and information on the topics of their interest e.g. curriculum, employment, higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, new development etc;
  • To facilitate technical visits,practical training,project work,employment, of the student members in R&D laboratories, industries, academic institutions etc;
  • To encourage team work and the spirit of self-reliance among the student members.
  • To serve as a focal point at the institution on all aspects of professional development of the student members.
  • To meet these objectives, the IETE students forum shall arrange frequent meetings of the student members together with experts of academics,R&D,industries' leaders as well as IETE centers' executive members. Programmes of common interest may also be arranged involving students forum at many institutions in the city, region etc.


  • 1.Workshop on Arduino-Device Interfacing Conducted on 22nd & 23rd February 2017 for II B. Tech ECE Students Under IETE Student Forum (ISF) -View More

  • 2.Workshop on ROBOTICS and IOT Conducted on 6th & 7th February 2017 for III B. Tech ECE Students Under IETE Student Forum (ISF) -View More

  • 3.Guest Lectures Conducted in ECE Department for last 5 Academic Years under IETE Student Forum -View More

  • Activities Coducted By Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Under IETE Chapter
    Sno Date Name of The Program Details of The Resource Person
    1 22-09-2014 to 26-09-2014 ASIC Design Flow Using MENTOR GRAPHICS Back-End Tool. K. S. S. Kiran, Assistant Professor
    P. Murali Krishna, Assistant Professor SVEC, Tadepalligudem
    2 15-09-2014 Engineers Day Dr. J. Srihari Rao, Principal,
    SVEC, Tadepalligudem
    3 19-07-2014 Aero Space Vehicles Dr. J Srihari Rao, Principal,
    SVEC, Tadepalligudem
    4 27-06-2014 Career Planning for Engineers Mr. Sathish Alldaboina,
    Sr. Divisional Engineer,
    S.C. Railway, Guntur
    5 14-11-2013 Wavelets and Multi Singal Processing Dr. M. Venugopala Rao, Professor,
    K. L. University, Vijayawada
    6 27-09-2012 Low Power VLSI Design and Trends Dr. M. Kamaraju, Professor,
    Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru
    7 15-09-2012 Communication Systems Prof. M.V. Raghunadh, Professor,
    NIT Warangal
    8 15-03-2012 Multi Signal Processing And Wavelets Dr. Venugopala Rao, HOD, ECE
    Narsaraopet Engineering College, Narsaraopet.
    9 12-03-2012 Demand for Mobile Applications in Software Industry & Job Prospects Mr. Dileep, Director,
    Dilven Info Solutions Pvt Ltd,
    10 15-09-2011 Modern Trends in Communications Sri. G. Anantharam,
    General Manager, BSNL, W.G.Dist.
    11 19-02-2011 VLSI Design and Embedded System Dr. N.S. Murthy, Professor,
    NIT Warangal
    12 24-02-2011 Digital Signal Processing Prof. N.V. SeshagiriRao, HOD,
    Sri Potti Sriramulu College of Engineering, Vijayawada
    13 26-03-2010 RF Engineering Dr. J. SrihariRao, Principal,
    GIET Rajahmundry.

Upcoming Events


  • Sri K. Santosh Surya Kiran,
    Asstant. Professor
  • Department of ECE
  • Co-ordinator
  • Mobile : 9491446949
  • Fax : 08818-284322
  • E-mail : kiran2708@gmail.com