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  • Department Library
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  • Faculty Development Programs
  • Faculty Achievements
  • Workshops/SOC/Seminars/Guestlectures
  • Student Achievements
  • Academic Toppers
  • Technical Association
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Hackathons
  • Syllabus
  • Handbooks
  • Contact

CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

Department Profile

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering(Artificial Intelligence) came into inception from 2021 onwards with an intake of 60 seats in B.Tech. From 2022 onwards the intake was increased to 120 seats.


Sl.No Name of the Course Eligibility Criteria Duration Intake
UG Programmes
1 B.Tech-CSE(Artificial Intelligence) AP EAPCET 4 Years 120


To evolve as a centre for academic and research excellence in the area of Artificial Intelligence.


To utilize innovative learning methods for academic improvement.

To encourage higher studies and research to meet the futuristic requirements of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

To inculcate Ethics and Human values for developing students with good character.


Graduates of CSE(AI) programme will::

1. Adapt to evolving technology.

2. Provide optimal solutions to real time problems.

3. Demonstrate his/her abilities to support service activities with due consideration for Professional and Ethical Values.


CSE (Artificial Intelligence) Graduates will be able to :

1. Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering Fundamentals and Concepts of Artificial Intelligence to the solution of complex Engineering problems.[K3]

2. Problem Analysis:Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, CSE (Artificial Intelligence). [K4]

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specific needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and environmental considerations.[K5]

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.[K5]

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex Engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.[K3]

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional Engineering practice.[K3]

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,and need for sustainable development.[K3]

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the Engineering practice.[K3]

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.[K6]

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex Engineering activities with the Engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. [K2]

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Engineering and Management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.[K6]

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. [K1]


A graduate of the CSE(Artificial Intelligence) Programme will be able to:

1. PSO1:Use Mathematical Abstractions and Algorithmic Design along with Open Source Programming tools to solve complexities involved in Programming. [K3]

2. PSO2:Use Professional Engineering practices and strategies for development and maintenance of software. [K3]


  • Course Outcomes (V20 Regulation)-View
  • Salient Features

    • ICT enabled class rooms
    • MoUs with NIT ANP , Eduskills , Hexaware , APSSDC , Alykas Innovations Pvt.Ltd, thingTronics Pvt Ltd,Bangalore and TCS-iON.
    • College has MOU with TCS for conducting Online Competitive Exams for which our Department Resources are being utilized.
    • Professional Society memberships in ISTE and IAENG
    • Good faculty retention
    • Well Equipped Laboratories
    • Maitri, Social Service Unit, managed by the Students.

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Our Faculty

    S.No. Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation Profile
    1 Dr. G. Loshma B.E.,M.Tech.,Ph.D. Professor & Head view
    2 Mr. R.L.Phani Kumar M.Tech Sr. Asst. Professor view
    3 Mr. P. V. V Satya Narayana M.Tech Sr. Asst. Professor view
    4 Mrs. V. Radha M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    5 Mr. Sk. Moulali M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    6 Mrs. P. Ujwala Sai M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    7 Ms. M. Kiranmai M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    8 Mr .V. Thinakaran M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    9 Mr. P Seshu Kumar M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    10 Mr. Reddy Chaitanya A M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    11 Mr.Nisanth N S M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    12 Mr. M.Sreenivasulu M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    13 Mr. V. V Bhargav Bikkani M.Tech Asst. Professor view
    14 Mr. V. Jayaramakrishna M.Tech Asst. Professor view

    Our Technical Staff

    S.No. Name of the Staff Designation
    1 Mr. K.N. Suresh System Admin
    2 Ms. BNG Lakshmi Durga Programmer
    3 Mr. K.V Srinivasa Rao Hardware Technician
    4 Mr. G.Bhanu Prakash Hardware Technician
    5 Mr. P.Manikanta Gupta Lab Assistant
    6 Mrs. P.Harika Computer Lab Assistant
    7 Mr. Md. Arriff Computer Lab Assistant
    8 Mr. P.Lokesh Reddy Lab Technician
    9 Ms. M. Naga Harika Lab Technician
    10 Mr. B. Abaddalu Lab Technician
    11 Mr. S. Nagaraju Programmer

    Our Non-Teaching Staff

    S.No. Name of the Staff Designation
    1 Mr. N.Rajasekhar Junior Assistant
    2 Mrs. Prasanna Attender

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Board of Studies

    1 Dr. G. Loshma Professor & HOD SVEC Chairperson
    2 Dr. D Haritha Professor, CSE UCEK, JNTUK University
    3 Dr. Nagesh Bhattu Sristy Assistant Professor,
    Department of CSE
    NIT-AP Academic
    4 Dr. K. Venkata Rao Professor,
    Department of CS&SE
    AU College of Engineering,
    5 Mr. Seshagiri Telkapalli Enterprise Architect Tata Consultancy Services,
    6 Mr.Vinay Kumar Director XpertBridge,Hyderabad Industry
    7 Mr. M Jnana Surya
    Prakasha Rao
    BI Technical Consultant Pragmasys consulting LLP
    All the Faculty Members in the CAI Dept. are Members in BOS

    Board of Studies Meeting of the Minutes:

  • Minutes of 4th meeting of the Board of Studies, dated 02.08.2024-View
  • Minutes of 3th meeting of the Board of Studies, dated 26.07.2023-View
  • Minutes of 2nd meeting of the Board of Studies, dated 25.07.2022-View
  • Minutes of 1st meeting of the Board of Studies, dated 31.12.2021-View
  • CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Class Rooms

    Class Rooms with ICT Enabled Facilities-View

    Class Timetables

    Master Timetable_A.Y for Sem-II 2022-23-View

    Master Timetable_A.Y for Sem-I 2022-23-View


    The Department has well equipped labs with latest Configuration. Total 9 Computer Labs for UG, PG and one research lab consisting a total of 677 systems. The various servers in the server room which includes, Oracle 11g Database Server, Intranet Server (TOMCAT), NPTEL Video/Web Server, MAT Lab Server 2012 R2, Red Hat Linux 5.0 Server, Library Automation Server, A-Mail Server, ECAP Server.

    The college has high speed internet connectivity throughout the campus through a leased line from BSNL with 200Mbps ,400Mbps from Jio and 40 Mbps (Broadband).
    The following Laboratories are available in the department:

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration No.of Systems
    1 James Gosuling
    Model : Acer Vertion M200
    Processor : Intel® Core™ i3-7100 CPU @ 3.90 GHz
    4.00GB RAM, 1TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 18.5” LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    2 Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel® Core™ 2 i3-9100 CPU @ 3.60 GHZ
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse
    3 Model : ASUS VIVO AIO V222 GAR_V333GA
    Processor : Intel® Pentium®Silver J5040
    8.00 GB RAM, 256.00 GB SSD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 21.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration No.of Systems
    1 E.F.CODD
    Model : HP Pro Tower 280 G9 PCI
    Processor : Intel® Core™ i5-12400 CPU @ 2.50 GHz
    16.00 GB RAM, 256.00 GB SSD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 19.5” LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse
    2 Model : ACER Vertion Desktop
    Processor : Intel® Core™ i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
    4.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 19.5” LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration No.of Systems
    1 Linus Torvalds
    Model : HP 280PRO G9 Micro Tower
    Processor : Intel core TM i3-10100 CPU@3.64 GHZ
    8.00 GB RAM, 256.00 GB SSD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor: 19.5" LED Monitor
    Keyboard: Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse: Optical Mouse
    2 Model : ACER Vertion Desktop
    Processor : Intel® Core™ i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
    4.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 19.5” LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration No.of Systems
    1 PG CP Lab Model : Acer Vertion Desktop System
    Processor :Intel® Core™ 2 i3-8100 CPU @ 2.65 GHZ
    8.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 21.5" LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse
    2 Model : Acer Vertion Desktop System
    Processor :Intel® Core™ i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
    4.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 19.5" LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration No.of Systems
    1 R&D Lab Model : Acer Vertion Desktop System
    Processor :Intel® Core™ i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
    4.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 19.5" LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse
    2 Manufacturer/Model : Dell 7D49KQR
    Processor : Intel® Core™ 2 i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00 GHZ
    4.00 GB RAM, 1.00 TB HDD
    System type : x64-based processor
    Monitor : 21.5” LED Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Mouse

    S.No Name of the Lab Configuration Usage No.of Systems
    1 Yellow Lab Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel Core i3, 9th Gen
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Disk
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    Placements and Training 72

    S.No Name of the Lab Location Usage No.of Systems
    1 Pink Lab Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel Core i3, 9th Gen
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Disk
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    Placements and Training 72

    S.No Name of the Lab Location Usage No.of Systems
    1 Orange Lab Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel Core i3, 9th Gen
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Disk
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    Placements and Training 72

    S.No Name of the Lab Location Usage No.of Systems
    1 Green Lab Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel Core i3, 9th Gen
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Disk
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    Placements and Training 72

    S.No Name of the Lab Location Usage No.of Systems
    1 Brown Lab Model : DELL OPTI PLEX 3070
    Processor : Intel Core i3, 9th Gen
    8.00 GB RAM, 1 TB Hard Disk
    System type : x64 – based Processor
    Monitor : 20.5” TFT Monitor
    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard
    Mouse : Optical Scroll Mouse
    Placements and Training 72

    Seminar Halls

    Seminar halls with ICT Enabled Facilities -View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    Department Library offers a variety of books related to Computer Science and Basic Science subjects . Reference books of various subjects are procured. Various Competitive Books are available to satisfy the thirst of the students. Books are issued to students and staff. Students can access the Library facility according to their convenience any time round-the-clock.

    No. of Titles No. of Volumes
    455 684
    Faculty Incharge
    Mr. G. N V Ratnakishor, Asst. Professor
    Phone: 08818-284355
    E-mail: ratnakishor.cse@srivasaviengg.ac.in

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    A.MOUs with Industries
      • MOUs were signed with various organizations to emphasize on:
            2.Seminars / Workshops for Students
            3.Industry Oriented Training
            4.Faculty Development Proghrammes
            5.Certification Programmes
    S.No Oraganization Name Duration
    From To
    1 NIT ANP 31-12-2022 Till Date
    2 Alteryx SparkED Partner 30-12-2022 Till Date
    3 Juniper Networks 30-11-2022 Till Date
    4 Celonis Academic Alliance 11-11-2022 Till Date
    5 Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Academy 08-11-2022 Till Date
    6 Blue Prism Academia Program 01-11-2022 Till Date
    7 Eduskills 31-10-2022 31-10-2025
    8 Hexaware 25-04-2020 Till date
    9 APSSDC 29-03-2019 Till date
    10 TCSiON 25-04-2012 Till date

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    FDP Attended

    1.FDPs attended by the Faculty 2023-24-View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    • Faculty Conferences Details 2023-24 - View

    Journal Publications

    • Faculty Publications Details 2023-24 - View


    • Certifications done by the faculty during the A.Y. 2023-24 - View

    Research Supervisors

    • Research Supervisors - View


    • Patents Published by Faculty during the A.Y 2023-2024 -View
    • Patents Published by Faculty during the A.Y 2020-2021 -View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    • Workshops Organized during the Academic Year 2023-24 -View


    • SOC Organized during the Academic Year 2023-24 -View
    • SOC Organized during the Academic Year 2022-23 -View

    Guest Lecturers/Seminars

    • Guest Lectures Organized during the Academic Year 2023-24 -View
    • Guest Lectures Organized during the Academic Year 2022-23 -View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Global Certifications

    • Global Certifications during A. Y 2023-24 -View
    • Global Certifications during A. Y 2022-23 -View

    Virtual Internships

    • List of Virtual Internships done by 2022-26 Batch Students
      CAI-A        CAI-B
    • List of Virtual Internships done by 2021-25 Batch Students -View

    Conference/Journal Publications

      Student publications encompass a wide range of written, visual, and multimedia content produced by students within educational institutions. These publications serve as platforms for students to express their ideas, share perspectives, and engage with their peers and the broader community. They often include newspapers, magazines, literary journals, yearbooks, blogs, and digital media outlets.

      The content of student publications can vary widely, covering topics such as current events, campus news, arts and culture, academic research, opinion pieces, creative writing, photography, and multimedia projects. Students involved in these publications typically serve in various roles including writers, editors, photographers, designers, and digital media producers, gaining valuable experience in journalism, communication, teamwork, and leadership.

    • Conferences/Journal Publications during the A. Y 2023-24 -View

    Student Research Projects

    • Mini Projects done by 2021-25 Batch Students - View

    NPTEL/Other Certifications

    • Nptel & Other Certifications during the A. Y 2023-24 -View
    • Nptel & Other Certifications during the A. Y 2022-23 -View

    Community Service Project

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Academic Toppers

    For encouraging academic achievers, every year our College Management provides cash prizes to the Academic toppers of every semester and every section.

    • Academic Toppers for Batch 2022-26 - View
    • Academic Toppers for Batch 2021-25 - View
    Academic Year Particulars No.of Students Benefited Scholarship Amount
    2023-24 Academic Toppers 37 40500
    2022-23 Academic Toppers 37 40500


    2022-26 Batch
    2021-25 Batch

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Technical Association

    Engineer's Day:Nexus 2K23

    • Nexus Event wise Winners List-View

    EAPCET 2K23

    • APEAPCET Rankers List-View

    Teacher's Day 2K23


    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    • Extracurricular activities during the Year 2022-23  - View More Till now

    Social Services

    Maitri Association is a compassionate community where members, united by the spirit of 'Maitri' come together to contribute funds for those in need. Through collective efforts, the club aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals facing challenges, fostering a sense of solidarity and kindness within the group.

    Faculty coordinator:
      Mr. P. Kalyan Babu
      Assistant Professor

  • Maitri Student Coordinators List-View

  • 2023-2024

  • Gallery

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    • Hackathon Brochure-View
    • Hackathon Winners List during A.Y 2023-24-View


    Hackathon 2K23

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)


    • B.Tech - V23 Syllabus-View
    • B.Tech - V20 Syllabus-View

    SOC Syllabus

    • SOC Syllabus during the Academic Year 2022-23-View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Academic HandBooks

      Academic Year 2023-24:II-Sem Handbooks
    • VI-Sem V20 Regulation Handbook-View

    • Academic Year 2023-24:I-Sem Handbooks
    • V-Sem V20 Regulation Handbook-View
    • III-Sem V20 Regulation Handbook-View

    • Academic Year 2022-23:II-Sem Handbooks
    • IV-Sem V20 Regulation Handbook-View

    • Academic Year 2022-23:I-Sem Handbooks
    • III-Sem V20 Regulation Handbook-View

    CSE(Artificial Intelligence)

    Contact Info
